Slovenia is located in Southern Central Europe and is a part of the EU and Schengen zone. Ljubljana is Slovenia’s largest city and capital.

The climate is similar to that of continental Europe, so depending on the season of your arrival, you should bring winter or summer clothes because air temperatures differ quite a bit. Prices are similar to the average EU prices, but non-basic needs like partying can be slightly cheaper than in the northern parts of Europe.
Ljubljana is also one of the safest cities in Europe. The local transport is well organized, including taxi services, which are relatively affordable. The accommodation options are endless and of good quality.
What’s party life like in Ljubljana?
As a relatively small city, most of Ljubljana’s pubs, bars, and clubs are located in the city center and are within walking distance from one another.
Ljubljana presents all kinds of venues, from luxurious to more relaxed pubs and even alternative clubs such as Metelkova City. The most social action happens along the Ljubljanica River banks – especially the areas of the so-called Cankarjevo nabrežje and Petkovškovo nabrežje.
Bars and pubs follow each other in line there, and you can visit one after another before you decide where you wish to end your night. You can also count on some friendly Slovenians to direct you. It might even happen that you will end up partying with them until the early morning hours.
What are the must-dos in Ljubljana?
- Traditional Slovenian cuisine with local craft beer
- Clubbing in Ljubljana’s best clubs (Cirkus Club, Cvetličarna Club, Metelkova City etc.)
- Boat party on Ljubljanica River
- Karting race on one of the best racing tracks in Europe
- Rafting and canyoning on Soča River
- Adrenaline day in the mountains
- Skiing, snowboarding and night sledding
- Bike tour around Ljubljana
- Wine tasting and beer tasting
Currency & payments
Slovenia uses the Euro as its currency. You will not encounter any trouble finding an ATM, and paying with a credit or debit card is available at most establishments. However, be sure to carry some cash with you just in case.
Random prices
Beer: around €
Hamburger: 4€
Cup of coffee: 1.8€
Club entrance: 5-10€
Taxi: from 0.9€/km
Slovenia is the 7th safest country in the world. In other words: completely safe to visit. Crime rates are low, with the already small number of violent crimes in steep decline.
There can be occasional issues with pickpockets or small thefts, but it is more of an exception than a rule. To sum up, visiting Slovenia comes at a low risk, whether traveling alone, with friends or as a family.
Generally, a visa is not needed for any stays shorter than 90 days, although some nationalities will need a valid EU Schengen visa. Your passport must be valid for at least the following six months of your planned return. If you are unsure whether you need a visa, visit Do You Need Visa.
The official language is Slovenian. But most Slovenians, especially the younger generations, are fluent in English. Some might even speak other foreign languages, so you will have no issues communicating.
Central European Time GMT +1; in summer GMT +2
Meet our language:
Hello – Zdravo (zdra-wo)
Yes – Ja (ya)
No – Ne (ne)
Please – Prosim (pro-seem)
Beer – Pivo (pee-vo)
Wine – Vino (wee-no)
Food – Hrana (hra-na)
Do you speak English? – Govorite angleško? (go-vo-ree-te an-glesh-ko?)
But don’t worry, most people here speak English.
Public holidays
1st and 2nd January: New Year
8th February – Slovenian Day of Culture
Easter Sunday, Easter Monday in April
7th Sunday after Easter – Pentecost
27th April – Day of Uprising against the occupation
1st and 2nd May – Labour day
25th June – National day
15th August – Assumption day
31st October – Reformation day
1st November – All souls’ day
25th December – Christmas
26th December – Independence day